This work lasted 4 years in the early '80s and was part of a wider project of restoration of the monuments of the Roman Forum.
The restoration of the triumphal Arch of Constantine, being very big, was carried out by a temporary partnerships between firms.
The pictures show the working areas of my firm.
The Arch of Constantine is situated between the Colosseum and the Palatine Hill and
was erected by the Roman Senate to commemorate Constantine the Great's
victory over Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312.
Dedicated in 315, it is the largest Roman triumphal arch.
Much of the decorative material used to decorate it
are earlier works from the time of the emperors
Trajan (98–117), Hadrian (117–138) and
Marcus Aurelius (161–180), so,
as already mentioned a
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The right-most Marcus Aurelius relief on the top of the northern face with the Emperor's mercy to the barbarians (Clementia).
The right pair of the Adrian roundels on the north side depict a lion hunt and a sacrifice to Hercules.
The Adrian roundel on the north side depicts a lion hunt.
On the east side a frieze taken from a demolished monument to Trajan, depicting a battle scene.
Dacian warrior of the Trajan's period.
34 years ago, "healing" a Dacian...